Monday, September 5, 2011

Traveling and Learning

I think traveling is important, as how can you truly appreciate something until you see it different. Also, it always makes me miss home and its fun to miss home every now and again. What is not fun is when the change in location/elevation/pollution triggers an asthma attack, especially if you aren't use to bringing your medicine with you and therefore don't have it with you. However, isn't learning how to do things differently one of the greatest benefits to travel?

I did not have what I was use to so, with the aid of the internet, I found new ways to help myself. For example, I love mint tea, or rather mint in general, but to the specific, I knew that mint tea was good for opening bronchial tubes and that it soothed a sore throat and stomach most excellently. What I didn't know was that mint tea can help calm asthma attacks for those same reasons, though in hindsight it makes perfect sense. What more could you want then opened bronchial tubes and a soothed throat and stomach? Being able to breath and relax, well it was a wonderful combination.

So, mint tea in combination with a decongestant and lots of deep breathing really made a difference, it didn't have the fast acting abilities that my inhaler does but it also didn't have the jittery side effects. I guess that makes this trip a success since the objective of travel was reached, if you want to believe the objective to travel is to learn. Also I had a really great time seeing Miranda and Lola and helping to decorate her new apartment, with handmade art made by hand.

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